Conditions & Symptoms

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Illustration: Knee Conditions

Knee Conditions

Knees, along with our ankles and feet, provide support for out upper bodies. Chiropractic can offer care for knee conditions to alleviate pain and get you moving.

If you've hurt your knee, you are in good hands with your chiropractor. He or she will start out by determining which structure in your knee is causing you pain. Have you sprained a ligament? Did you pull a muscle? Knee pain can also come from problems in your low back. And in some cases, poor foot mechanics or flat feet can contribute to your aching knees.

Once your chiropractor has determined the cause, he or she can implement an effective management plan that may include adjustments, physiotherapeutic modalities, such as ultrasound, and possibly orthotics or a knee brace recommendation.

Patellar Tendonitis

Put your hand on your knee. Feel that hard piece of bone you call the kneecap? That's your patella. Patellar tendonitis, commonly known as jumper's knee, is a painful condition affecting the patella and the surrounding tissue that keeps it in place, called the patellar tendon. Activities such as walking, running and jumping, can all put stress on the patellar tendon, resulting in tiny, painful tears and inflammation.

Symptoms of patellar tendonitis include pain, tenderness and sometimes swelling in and around the knee. Discomfort can occur anywhere in the knee, but it's most common just below the patella, where the patellar tendon connects to the tibia (shinbone). Those with patellar tendonitis often complain of pain when bending or straightening their leg, as well as a dull ache behind the knee joint.

Given that physical activity usually causes patellar tendonitis, it's no surprise that athletes are most commonly affected. However, even people that lead more sedentary lives can have the condition. Factors like muscular imbalance and poor foot structure are among the many possible causes, as they both affect the position of the patella.

If you have patellar tendonitis, a variety of safe and effective chiropractic techniques can help. Joint adjustments and rehabilitative exercises are just a few options your chiropractor has for reducing your pain and improving your condition.